Participants for IBCA/ICGSA Top 100 Showcase named

Posted by RRR on Jun 20, 2011 at 9:57am | Page Views: 4,079

The 9th Annual IBCA/IHSAA Girls Top 100 Underclass Showcase will be held on Tuesday, July 12 at Ben Davis High School beginning at 2:00 pm in Indianapolis.

As has been the practice in the past, players will report to skill stations prior to three sessions of games. Purdue head coach Sharon Versyp will be the featured speaker after the second game session, giving a talk about “What it means to be a high school player in Indiana.” View the full itinerary.

The Showcase is open to the public.

Players invited and expected to attend the Showcase are as follows:

Player High School
Alexander, Jordin HSE
Anderson, Jenn Westfield
Ballard, Kylie Northwestern
Bobos, Katie Lowell
Bobrowski, Emily Boone Grove
Brewer, Katie Roncalli
Brewer, Sarah Western Boone
Brockman, Michaela Shoals
Brown, Jessica Mt. Vernon
Brown, Kayla Westfield
Brown, Kendall Crown Point
Brownlee, Trenee Concord
Bunch, Allyson Columbus East
Byrd, Kelsi North Montgomery
Campbell, Mackenzie Rushville
Carlton, Olivia Penn
Cates, Christie Cathedral
Clayton, Emily Silver Creek
Clemens, Kaylee Tri
Cohlmeyer, Natalie Evansville Memorial
Cole, Kamaren New Albany
Cromer, Kelsey Wabash
Cross, Warfield Shai Bloomington North
Curtis, Katie Lebanon
Dean, Abby Carmel
Dearing, Kendyl Southridge
Degenkolb, Taylor Tipton
Denny, BreAnn Warren Central
Deno, Cassidy Benton Central
Dickey, Sara Riverton Parke
Gentry, Alli Perry Meridian
German, Princess Bowman Academy
Gorman, Lindsay Chesterton
Graber, Lindsey Barr-Reeve
Graber, Taylor Eastside
Groom, Staci Tippecanoe Valley
Gustin, Kenzie Pendleton Heights
Hasser-Smith, Lakan McCutcheon
Hayes, Mackenzi Tell City
Heath, Jacyln LaPorte
Hogg, Julie Boone Grove
Hornaday, Mariah Jay County
Hountz, Jenna East Central
Huntsman, Tierra Connersville
Jellison, Chelsea Crawford County
Jennings, Rachel Logansport
Jennings, Whitney Logansport
Johnson, Kasey Plainfield
Key, Kelsey Frankton
King, Mallory Fishers
Knafel, Kilee Wawasee
Knepp, Jenna Barr-Reeve
Kunkel, Kelly Franklin County
Kvachkoff, Courtney Crown Point
Langlois, Blaire Carmel
Lomax, Mikala Columbus East
Lowe, Carmen Homestead
Lutz, Taylor Penn
Mikel, Erin Borden
Miller, Kelsey South Central
Miller, Taylor Hauser
Mills-Harris, Jade Ben Davis
Mink, Heather Triton Central
Monahan, Nicole Portage
Moore, Erica Mt. Vernon
Moore, Khadijah Memorial
Moore, Linzi Warren Central
Morrison, Jill Winchester
Morton, Alex Penn
Muensterman, Maura Columbus East
Murrell, Bethany New Palestine
Murry, Lexus Decatur Central
Myers, Leah BNL
Ogle, Courtney Columbus East
Olinske, Karissa Whitko
Parmley, Taylor Mishawaka
Pekny, Carissa West Lafayette
Perry, Bridget Roncalli
Ponder, Brandi Southwestern
Pongonis, Jessica HSE
Poston, Blayr Hanover Central
Pritchard, Adrienne South Vermillion
MaKenzi Reasor Mt. Vernon
Ritter, Maggie Gibson Southern
Rizzi, Brittani Bedford North Lawrence
Roeschlein, Carmela Clay City
Rogers, Nicole Western
Sanders, Taylor Lawrence Central
Sears, Sophia Paoli
Seymour, Lizzie Lake Central
Shamell, Rashwanda Evansville North
Shrum, Tory Randolph Southern
Smith, Rhagen Sullivan
Swisher, Kelcey Seeger
Teague, Shawnece Ben Davis
Tolen, Caitlyn Benton Central
Turchi, Taylor North Vermillion
Wagoner, Wynter Loogootee
Weatherford, Dakota Hamilton Heights
White, Leah Providence
Williams, Jeralyn Carmel
Yando, Paige Riverton Parke

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